Please use the information below when required. If you need support with the completion of any of the forms, or would like advice and guidance, please discuss with the Sixth Form Pastoral Manager.
Sixth Form Handbook
Select the link to the left to open the latest copy of our Sixth Form handbook. This includes information on supporting students in College, the processes that need to be followed and clarity on our expectations of students.
Presentations and Useful Documents
Following events at College we will post materials below for future reference.
Progression Presentation (Term 6, 2019)
Summary of Key Procedures
Attendance at College is one of the most important factors that impacts on achievement. Our Sixth Form Code of Conduct expects students to have an attendance of above 96% across the year. Students are expected to attend all timetabled lessons, timetabled learning support sessions in the Learning Resource Centre, morning Tutorials and also timetabled PSHEe lessons to support them with their aspirations after Sixth Form.
When reporting an absence please use the following guidelines:
Planned Absence
Please complete the form below and submit it to Mrs Goodhew three days before an absence. These will be agreed by Mr Evason or Ms White.
Future Absence Form
Further details on what constitutes as a planned absence can be found in our handbook.
Unplanned Absence
Any absence owing to illness must be reported by 10.00am on the day of the absence by the student or their parent/carer. This can be done by contacting Mrs Goodhew via email or ringing the main College phone number.
It is a student’s responsibility to then email subject staff to apologise for their absence and request work to complete for the following lesson. It is expected that students will have a conversation with their teachers on their return to College to ensure all homework and missed classwork is collected and acted upon for an agreed deadline.
16-18 Bursary Fund
Financial support for Learners aged 16-18 (2023/24)
To be eligible to receive a bursary you must:
- Be over 16 and under 19 years of age on 31 August 2023
- Be in care, leaving care, be in receipt of Income Support in your own name or in receipt of Employment Support Allowance or Disability Living Allowance or have a household income of £30,000 or less
For further information please see your Pastoral Manager or Mrs Jackson.
Bursary Fund and Application 2024-25 (Word)
Bursary Fund and Application 2024-25 (PDF)
NUS Extra Card
Students can apply for an NUS Extra card which will entitle them to discounts in some shops, cinemas etc. It costs £12 per year and is a photo ID. Applications are made by the students through the NUS Extra website. The cards are then sent to College and students will receive an email when they have arrived.
Citizen Card
If you are under 19, you can use this card to buy an East Sussex Freedom bus ticket for £17.50 from the bus driver. This ticket gives you unlimited travel on almost any bus in East Sussex for seven days in a row, including weekends. Applications can be made online, follow the link below.
The Unique Code for Heathfield CC applications is – HEA63F
When asked to choose your verifier, please select Karen Reed.
Please note that Choice ID cards will no longer be accepted by bus drivers.
College Run Transport Service
We offer two bus routes which are College run alongside the transport offer from East Sussex County Council. The two set routes are outlined below:
Battle/Robertsbridge Route
Battle Station
Battle Abbey
St. Leonards Route
St. Leonards
Cripps Corner
Information on these routes and the associated costs are available from the College. To view our information leaflet please click here.
Other Transport Information
If you have any queries regarding the College run transport services, or those offered by East Sussex County Council, please contact the College and we can direct your query to the relevant person.