
Parent Evenings

The governors are always interested to receive feedback from parents and carers and one environment this can be done is at Parent Evenings.
You will find governors in attendence at most Parents Evenings, and we will be there primarily to listen to your feedback. This could be on any aspect of college life, however, we will generally have a number of specific questions relevant to the stage that your child is at in their College life. Answering these will help us to judge how well the College is meeting the overall needs of your child.
We will take views gathered from these events back to the Stakeholder Engagement Committee and report any recurring themes to the Full Governing Body.
We will generally be identified on the evenings by wearing identification badges, however, if you cannot find a governor on the evening please do ask a member of staff and we look forward to meeting you.

Resolving issues

From time to time there are situations that arise that need addressing appropriately but effectively, and sometimes there is a natural instinct “to go to the top” to seek an immediate remedy. In these cases some people might presume that making contact with a governor or the chair of governors is the most effective way to sort things out. The reality is almost always that issues need to be resolved by the most appropriate person and this is not normally a governor. There are clear lines of communication and resolution of issues laid out in the College Complaints Policy and the final step will involve representation to the Chair of Governors.
Students (and parents of students) should take up their issues with the staff member most closely familiar with the matter; this will usually be the class teacher or form tutor, but if the matter needs to then be resolved at a higher level the department head or similar line manager should be contacted. In situations that are more serious and require a greater intervention or resolution the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) or Head Teacher should be made aware and a meeting arranged. In the final situation you may wish to make representation to the Chair of Governors if you feel that the matter has not been handled appropriately; this would need to be in writing and in accordance with the guidelines set out in the Complaints Policy.

Contact us
Clerk to Governing Body

Verity Clark – [email protected]


To contact the Chair of Governors please use the school address and contact details or the contact details for the Clerk to the Governing body above.