Careers Information

Information, Advice and Careers Guidance

The College is pleased to announce we were re designated the full Investors in Careers Award in May 2022

Welcome to HCC’s one stop shop for support on preparing yourself for work, training or more learning. The advice on this site was all relevant at the time of writing, and should be used in conjunction with any guidance you get from your tutors or in PSHEe lessons. You are the one in control of your own future (although there is lots of help you can access on the way.) The contents of this page are reviewed annually at the end of the academic year.

investor_in_careers LOGO

Year 11 Transition and Careers Advice 2023/24

For students in Year 11 2023 who are aiming to progress to College courses the documents below offer information regarding the provision from the Colleges. There are also suggestions for further research and support available.  In addition, we are able to provide details of a course being provided free by Wealden Works for those who might be considering apprenticeships or remain uncertain about their next destination.

Preparing For the World of Work and Apprenticeships
Preparing For the World of Work and Apprenticeships


It’s National Careers Week 4-11 March 2024! Parents can be unsure of their teen’s options after GCSE or sixth form so The Parents’ Guide to, in partnership with National Careers Week, has created this free guide giving an overview of what’s available at 16 and 18 years’ old and summarizing different routes teens can take into the workplace. Please share this with your parents if you think they’ll find it useful – you can download your copy here.


Click here to view:  Year 11 Future Choices 2023 Presentation

Click here to view:  Year 12 Progression Parent Information 2024

Click on images to view documents and publications below:

Careermag for Inclusion
Careermag for School Leavers. Click to view


Careermag for parents, carers & guardians
Get Into Sport
Get Into Sport
Wealden Works


Soft Skills Guide
Soft Skills Guide
National Careers Week 2024 Parents’ Guide
Careers magazine for young people in South East England
Your future in STEM


ncs The government has set up specialist services for young people to get impartial Careers Advice.                                                      

Phone Line: 0800 100900 (open from 8am until 10pm)
Text Line: 07766413219
 Another useful free website. It too is packed full of short films about a variety of actual jobs by people who are doing them.
The official application site for universities, which also contains lots of useful generalised information
A comprehensive and free impartial site about UK universities
University Compare Compare Universities, with the largest student city guide list, one of the largest accepted-only personal statement reference lists, over 150 university advice information articles and over 50,000 video views from our resident student.
Uni Taster Days Source of university taster events, workshops, residentials and open days for teachers, students and parents
Uni Taster Days A Government-funded, award-winning, industry-led programme working to ensure there is a larger and more diverse intake of talent into the creative industries.
Career Confident Whether you’re a young person looking for advice and guidance on your next steps or a parent or teacher looking for ways to support them.
Careers East Sussex East Sussex online application site for FE providers. Y10 and 11 students are given their log in details in PSHEe lessons
Register on the site for alerts and updates, and carry out a postcode search to see what apprenticeships are currently available locally
Apprenticeship Guide
Monthly career resource about apprenticeships for students
The Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education (IfATE) occupational maps show where technical education can lead.
Apprenticeship and Work Experience programs.
AIS A free site which co-ordinates all apprenticeships available in Sussex
Apprenticeshipsguide More information about apprenticeships, including a directory of regional training and apprenticeships providers.
A site offering a range of apprenticeships all the way from Level 2 Apprenticeships to Degree Apprenticeships
AllAbout Apprenticeships A careers site for apprenticeships, you can search for apprenticeships by location, industry, and apprenticeship level.
AllAbout School Leavers A careers site for applicatio​ns for apprenticeships and traineeships which claims it is most liked by young people.
StudentLadder A free to access site including useful information about apprenticeship programmes with major national employers.
Start A free site, used in PSHEE which once you have registered is full of guidance, advice and personality exploration
An impartial site which includes current vacancies in the city, as well as advice on job hunting, interviews and CV writing
A useful and free site used in PSHEe, it has comprehensive guidance and quizzes as well as a dedicated parents’ section.
‘A free website although you are encouraged to create a log in. This includes the ability to search career pathways and find out what employers are looking for. This site is used in KS4 PSHEe lessons.
 A free website that needs a login set up. Linked to many national and local brands and employers it offers routes in to competitions and events that may lead to internships or other ways to link with potential future employers.
 A free wbsite that combines live job and apprenticeship vacancies with general careers’ information.
A useful portal for Y11 and Sixth Form to gain updates of national apprenticeship vacancies.
An excellent free site which includes lots of relevant information about alternative pathways for A Level students, as well as live job and apprenticeship opportunities. well worth signing up to to get their alert emails.
 gmfj This free to use site asks users to register but seems to be a user friendly source of starter jobs, in particular in the financial sector, and in the East Sussex area.
Unifrog This site is for years 12 and 13 only and allows them to search for, and find lots of information about, universities, apprenticeships and FE courses.  Students will be able to sign in if used before, or will need a form code from their tutor, Ms Taylor or Mrs White to access for the first time.
My World of Work A free website used by Year 8 to explore potential careers linked to option choices.
 Independent Gap Advice A website run by highly experienced careers advisers and volunteers, it has no sponser, so there is a moral and ethical code that prioritises GAP years that are inspirational.
Parents Guide General but useful advice aimed at parents and carers but accessible to students about ways to increase employability and career knowledge, created by the founder of National Careers Week in association with John Lewis.
Scholarship Useful for finding university scholarships, bursaries and sponsored degree programmes.
Parental Advice Parental advice site which answers many FAQs
Career Pilot Student friendly site of careers information
Target Careers A free to access site which is designed to increase the general knowledge of young people about a wide range of careers and relevant training.
LiveCareer A useful free to access site with cv builder and examples to get someone started on creating a cv.
Target Careers The website of an organisation working to decrease unemployment amongst young people. It includes useful careers advice and research.
 Uptree Free to access careers site offering a personality test, cv builder and some basic careers’ families information.
 SpringPod A really useful site to access virtual work experience from global and national organisations.
 Pure Potential A free to access site, which may require creating a log in. Useful for HE and post degree work experience and extra curricular opportunities nationally.
Career Boss Contains guides that have been written to help young people make informed choices about their future, offering pros and cons to each career so that young people can match their compatibility and personality to each role.
Career Boss Online CV Builder. Tips on writing CVs and cover letters.
Career Boss A free to access resource made for Norfolk and Suffolk, so the LMI is not always specific to Sussex, but it does include some interesting career research tasks and a personality type quiz.
Career Boss Website dedicated to careers in the games industry.
Careers In Sport Career opportunities in the sporting and health/fitness worlds.
GoConstruct A site to encourage exploration of a huge range of careers in the construction industry. this is an enormous area of growth in Sussex, and includes a vast range of different kinds of jobs
All encompassing reference site which includes short videos
Wealden Works is an established employability charity which supports young people into employment, education and training. They work with 16 – 24 year olds who live in the area with a high rate of success.
Whether you’re deciding what to study, planning your future career or just curious about the world of work, BBC Bitesize can help with advice from experts and from young people who’ve found a path that suits them.