
Canteen Services

Below are images of a sample of the kind of meals available, these do not represent a guarantee of particular foods but some examples of how the standard menus are adapted and enhanced for our students providing choice and variety in all main sections.

Main Meals are designed to be purchased and eaten in the canteen and as such are able to be served on a plate with the greatest degree of individual choice, Grab and Go is designed for faster service and so has less individual choice of components – it does still provide a nutritious lunch option with dietary requirements taken into account.

Food available from the Snack Shack and Quad are intended to be just that, a snack, and so will not represent the same breadth. They will however always contain a choice and contain healthy options within that.

Queues vary at each venue and are managed for health and safety purposes by staff, some days (for example Fish and Chip Friday) are always more popular and queues may be longer but with a small amount of patience all students are able to access the serveries with plenty of time to eat with friends, whichever option they choose.



5* Hygiene Rating
Awarded 6 March 2024
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Certificate of Excellence

Weekly Menus

(click to enlarge images)

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Tariff

Menu dates from September 2024

Week 1

20/01/25, 10/02/25, 10/03/25, 31/03/25

Week 2

06/01/25, 27/01/25, 24/02/25, 17//03/25

Week 3

13/01/25, 03/02/25, 03/03/25, 24/03/25