At Heathfield Community College, we encourage our students to develop a strong sense of community and positive values. Competition is a healthy way to challenge each other to become the best version of ourselves.
Our House System is one of the aspects of the college community that our students can all inclusively be a part of.
Established in 2017, there are 4 Houses at Heathfield, each with 2 tutor groups from each year group. The four Houses are BATEMANS, CADE, HEFFLE and TOWER.
Click on the House logos above to learn more about each House.
The House system creates opportunity for students to flourish and excel, and are underpinned by the essence of Heathfield: Pride. Ambition. Community.
There are plenty of ways for students to become involved as there are termly competitions which involve sports, arts or recreational outlets so that all students can be involved; some of these are photography competitions, board game matches, as well as football matches and athletics competitions in the summer.
Each week, tutor groups also participate in a quiz on current events and the scores are accumulated and added to the overall scores for each term. Praise points earnt in lessons also contribute to overall House scores, and simultaneously, behaviour points detract from the overall House scores. This is an added incentive for the students to make the right choices in their lessons.
All scores, praises and participation points are accumulated at the end of the Autumn term, Spring term and Summer term, and the winning House gets a prize! This might be a chocolate Santa at Christmas or a day out on inflatables in the Summer term.
At the end of the year during Enrichment week we hold a House Competition day which involves sports on the field, a quiz hosted by the English department, and a Countdown style challenge from the Maths department. It can get very competitive! The variety of activities allows all students to represent their house in something they can succeed at.
The winning House also get to keep the House Cup in their House colours on display in college. This is presented at the end of year assembly and then displayed in a cabinet in the crush hall until the next year’s champion can lay claim to it!
Click here for the 2021- 22 House events and winners so far.
The house system also plays a vital role in creating our wonderful prefect team in Year 11. Each house has its own team of prefects, each fitting into a specific role: house leads, sports, arts or community. Depending on their role, the prefects will have opportunities to show leadership and ingenuity throughout the year that will help broaden their skill sets.
Click on the badges to view current Prefect Teams.