What to do if you are worried about yourself OR a friend OR your child:
- Tell your Form Tutor OR Pastoral Manager OR Head Of Year OR a teacher that you can talk to.
- Email the college at [email protected]
- Click the report it button above and make a report / get further advice from the CEOP Safety Centre
The report button applies to any kind of internet based abuse, sexual harassment or illegal website. It can be used if you think a friend or another child is putting themselves at risk of harm. For any other issue that is making you feel uncomfortable tell your form tutor, Pastoral Manager or Head of Year or another trusted adult.
Every year Heathfield Community College joins the global Safer Internet Day campaign to promote the safe and responsible use of technology.
To celebrate the day, we provided information and advice to students throughout the week in assemblies as well as activities for students to participate in during Form time. We also joined the social media campaign on Twitter.
The full Online Safety Policy is available by clicking here.
Click here for Student Code of Conduct.
Thinkuknow. An Introduction to Parents and Carers
Please expand each item below to see more detail.
Useful Links
Reporting Online |
The Think You Know |
The Know IT All |
Parent Info from CEOP and The Parent Zone |
Unsafe Apps for Young People
Social Media Parental Guides
Online Safety Issues – Parents Guides
Online Safety Quick Links: