Heathfield Reads

Reading gives students such a wealth of benefits which is why encouraging our students to read is a priority at Heathfield Community College. All the research tells us the same thing about reading: it gives students both an academic advantage and a well-being boost.

Each year, we conduct an annual reading survey that shows the majority of Heathfield students do spend some time, each week, reading outside of school hours. Over time, we have seen that, consistently, Heathfield students are more likely to read than typical teenagers (based on the annual surveys from the National Literacy Trust).

Still, we want all our students to reap the benefits of reading so we promote reading with posters of staff and students across the school and offer everyone the opportunity to take part in Heathfield Reads. Here are the rewards on offer:

  • Bronze, Silver and Gold reading certificates each term
  • A house point for every book read
  • Entry into the termly £10 Amazon voucher competition if you reach Silver/Gold standard

We’d also love to hear about the books you read and whether you’d recommend them to others so please email us a book review to [email protected] . See the bottom of this web page for a guide on how to write a review.

Readers are winners!

Reading Recommendations

This section is full of ideas for where to turn next for a book if you and your child aren’t sure. We know that different students have different barriers when it comes to selecting a book. The videos below are targeted at different types of readers so that you can see how to support your child depending on the type of reader they are.

Reluctant Readers

Reluctant readers: While some of our students are perfectly able readers, they don’t always want to pick up a book. This video gives some ideas about books that even the most book-averse students find it hard to resist.

Struggling Readers

Struggling readers: Some students find reading difficult and this is a barrier to picking up a book. There are lots of books written for those with a low literacy level but with a high interest level. Watch this video to hear about some of these books.

Regular Readers

Regular readers: Even those who read regularly can get stuck with their reading. They can avidly enjoy a book series and then not know where to turn when they’ve completed the series. This video suggests ideas depending on the genre of book your child enjoys.

There are so many brilliant books to enjoy. The following recommended reading list has been compiled by English teachers at Heathfield Community College but also our English teacher colleagues in two other local secondary schools:

Heathfield Reads £10 Amazon Voucher Winners

Autumn Term 2023

Spring Term 2024

Summer Term 2024

Guide to structuring a book review

Book Review
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