Contact Us

College Address

Heathfield Community College
Cade Street
East Sussex
TN21 8RJ


01435 866066

Term Time Opening Hours

Main Office/Reception
Monday – Thursday    8.00am – 5.00pm
Friday  8.00am – 4.30pm

Who to contact?

Click image for information on who to contact and how to raise a concern


Teaching Staff e-mail addresses:

Tutor Lists for Years 7-11 2024-25
Department Staff List 2024-25

Communication with College

Guidance from College Governors

Our staff are all education professionals who work hard for the benefit of our students, your children. We welcome dialogue on matters of concern; we may not always agree but expect to be challenged as part of us working together. This must always be conducted in a calm and reasonable manner; staff should not have to engage in interactions which are aggressive or bullying in the course of their work. Collaborative and supportive relationship between the school, parents and the student are important foundations of an effective education.

Governors therefore urge parents to reflect on tone and language in all interactions so that we are able to strengthen the relationship between us rather than compromising it.

This booklet gives more detail on how this will be applied: