Sixth Form Application

Thank you for showing an interest in Heathfield Sixth Form. Our Sixth Form has an established reputation for high achievement, high quality teaching and learning and ensuring progression into ambitious destinations.

Academic Achievement

We are proud of the high achievement of students in the Sixth Form. We are consistently placed in the top 20% of Colleges nationally and are placed in the top 10% based on 2022 results. Our broad courses lead to excellent results in subjects ranging from the Arts (Art, Drama and Photography), English, Sciences and Languages.

Ambitious Destinations

Alongside academic excellence our students are supported through high quality careers advice and guidance which leads to progression in a variety of areas Post 18. Through this expert support students successfully progress onto:

  • Oxford and Cambridge Universities
  • Studying medicine, veterinary science
  • Russel Group Universities (c. 30% annually)
  • Competitive Degree Level apprenticeships, and other employer based training
  • Further courses to develop skills such as Art Foundation

The Sixth Form Experience

What makes us different are the opportunities offered to enhance and broaden students experience of Sixth Form develops young people who will leave the College confident in their abilities and next steps. Our enrichment programme, trips and events ensures students can establish new friendships and enjoy their two years with us. This includes:

  • Regular timetabled enrichment including sport, debating, subject societies, crafts and creative writing.
  • Access to the College Leadership strands including: Radio Heathfield, Heathfield TV, the Heathfield Vine online student newspaper and others.
  • Trips and Visits both subject specific (conferences, theatre trips, foreign trips) and Sixth Form Based (Ski Trip, social trips, parliament, UCAS convention)
  • Networking opportunities including: Heathfield Futures career support (in law, civil service and medicine), interactions with employers (Year 13 interview Day) and interactions with Alumni (various events throughout the year).
  • Coherent Personal Development through dedicated tutorial, assemblies, PSHEE (personal, social and health education) lessons.

Supportive Community

As a College we are a supportive and positive community provided by Heathfield. The mix of students who progress into the College from Year 11 alongside those that join us from other local Colleges ensures that we have a diverse and thriving Sixth Form Community. The support given through the established and experienced Sixth Form team ensures that both the progress and care of students is at the centre of what we do.

Our aim is simple, which is to provide all students with the necessary qualifications, skills and experiences to ensure that they are as prepared as they can be for whatever they choose to do in their futures in a positive and supportive learning environment.

If you wish to know more about us please contact the College or join us at our Open Evening and Open Morning Events.

2025 Application