Keeping parents informed, involved and consulted as the College strives to improve the experience of our students is clearly essential but it starts well before your son or daughter joins the College. The transition from primary school to secondary school can be a stressful time but with careful planning, preparation and communication this need not be the case.
Parents are essential partners from this time until your son or daughter leaves the college to pursue either further education or a career. By scrutinising surveys of your views we aim to ensure that we listen – maintaining and developing those things you tell us we are doing well and addressing those areas you tell us could be improved.
Governors attend parent evenings to hear your informal feedback first hand.
Parent Governors represent the perspective of parents on the Governing Body.
Current Parent Governors on the Governing Body are:
Lucy Cameron
Cherry Burrows
Izak Van Heerden
The governors at Heathfield clearly recognise and value the quality of the teaching staff, but also value the quality of the support staff who keep the ‘engine room’ running seamlessly. We recognise the importance of each member of staff employed: To make the teaching and learning, the pastoral care, the administration, the cleanliness, safety and the ambience of our College environment of the highest quality. This provides the best possible experience for our primary function, which is providing the greatest opportunities available to our students.
Our ambitions for staff, is to be engaged, supportive of the College, respected, enthused and rewarded with personal job satisfaction. Our College team is some 200 strong and we are measured by our collective strength. The governors will interact with staff in a supportive capacity, and listen to feedback. It is for the Senior Management Team to manage the day to day running of the school, however, our support is delivered in a number of ways, and these are how we are able to stay informed of the wellbeing of our most valued resource:
· Departmental visits and discussions with Heads of Department
· Presence at parents’ evenings
· Supporting your school productions and events
· Celebrating your successes
· Taking part in staff recruitment selection
· Conducting exit interviews (voluntary for staff)
· Meeting NQTs
· Observing lessons (by invitation only)
· Reviewing department reports
· Monitoring results and achievements
Primary Schools
At Heathfield, we recognise the importance of good communication and development of common goals with our Feeder Primary Schools. There is already a very strong affinity with the schools in the Heathfield catchment area and the work being done to smooth the transition between Year 6 and Year 7 is of the highest standard. However it is recognised that it is difficult to match the needs of every student, arriving from different sized schools, at different levels of progress and unfamiliar with the change in learning styles. But we take every care to work with our Feeder Primary Schools to deliver that personalised learning as part of the transition process, and so start with the engagement of students at Year 6 by liaising with the schools and interacting with the planned future year intake.
Our principal feeder primary schools are; All Saints & St Richards, Broad Oak and Punnetts Town (Woodland Federation), Burwash, Cross in Hand, Dallington, Five Ashes, Herstmonceux, Mayfield, Maynards Green, and Parkside. But we will also happily receive students from other local primary schools albeit that Heathfield may not be the majority destination school for these other primaries.