Frequently Asked Questions for parents on moving to Arbor

  • How do I set up my account/log in:
    Most issues and information relating to logging on via the Portal and for the App can be found here (How to Get Started poster)
  • I am having problems logging in:
    Most issues can be resolved simply through this guide: Troubleshooting Login Issues however if you are still stuck contact us ([email protected]) and we will be happy to help get you set up.
  • How do I Report an Absence?
    Please report your child’s absence as soon as possible on the day of absence and any subsequent days by emailing [email protected] or by contacting us by phone on 01435 866066 option 3.
  • How do I see Homework?
    This will be seen as an “Assignment” within the Portal, details of how to access can be seen here: Your child’s assignments
  • How do I make Payment for lunches, trips etc
    This is now accessed with the “Basket” and you can make multiple payments through this mechanism, including topping up lunch money. See here for: Adding to the basket to make payments
  • Why am I getting more emails?
    Parents have previously reported they would like more information on some aspects of Praise and Consequences. Therefore, from 4 January parents will be notified by email for detentions (break, lunch and after school) as well as for P2 and P3s. The first port of call for discussing this will be with your son or daughter, please do not attempt to question teaching staff during their working day about anything you are unsure of, they will respond to any professional queries in due course.
    If in time you feel this is too much information for you then we can discuss with you how it may be managed.

  • Why are all my childs Praise Points missing?
    Please do not worry they are still in the system. As part of the transfer of information from SIMs to Arbor these will follow shortly and appear in due course.