Homework Expectations

Completing homework to the best of their ability helps students to both achieve their potential and encourage the independence required to be successful in their lives.

Our Commitment to You:

  • All homework tasks will be recorded on Arbor.
  • Students will be told of homework in class and reminded of the reasonable deadline.
  • Tasks will be clearly marked with a maximum amount of time that students should be spending on them.
  • Whilst Firefly may also be used to set reminders and share resources with students, any homework tasks will be clearly marked with ‘homework’ as the first word in the title.


We know that reading is the single biggest thing a student can do to help themselves in their academic study and a significant amount of research tells us this: Writing ability, text understanding, improved use of grammar, vocabulary development and cultural understanding are all huge benefits. Encourage this as part of their habit and routine and please do contact their English teacher if you’d like any help or recommendations!

Key Stage 3

When students join the College in Year 7, homework is gradually phased in during their first term. This is to ensure that students fully understand the College expectations in relation to meeting deadlines and producing homework of excellent quality. It will not be common for Key Stage 3 students to be set significantly more than 1 hour of homework a day in total. Please contact us if you believe your child to be regularly exceeding this suggested time frame.

Key Stage 4

In Years 9, 10 and 11, students will be set homework that prepares them for their GCSE qualifications. Different subjects will have different requirements. Homework may vary from: Personal checklists, coursework, practice exam tasks as well as reading/research. Over the course of Key Stage 4, students should expect to build up to approximately two hours an evening to cover homework and revision.

We encourage students to revise regularly in addition to completing their homework.

At Heathfield we have a clear system for students who fail to complete their homework by the specified deadline set by the classroom teacher or for homework which is completed to a standard below the teacher’s expectations. Any student who misses a homework deadline or submits homework of poor quality will attend a homework detention.

Key Stage 5

In Years 12 and 13 students will be set homework at the end of most lessons. This work can be completed at home or during independent study periods. Students will receive around 4 hours of independent study per week per subject. Tasks will include revision/recall, subject reading, preparation activities for lessons and further research.

Top Tips on Homework

Children can… Parents can … 
Make sure they regularly check the Arbor app to see the homework that they’ve been set.Download the app and sync their device so it updates whenever your child receives and completes a homework.
Start homework when it is set, rather than waiting until the deadline leading to a rushed/poorly completed piece of work.Check that homework is completed on time by using the Arbor app.
Work out, when they will complete homework and set a weekly routine/schedule.Help them stick to a pattern of work times to build good study habits.
Take responsibility for their homework it from the start. Ask their teacher for help if needed, developing independent skills.Try not feel the need to help them do the work. If concerned that they are struggling, contact the class teacher to request they provide some support.
Be encouraged to show parents their finished homework and talk about their learning at home.Be really positive when they have done homework, ask about what they have learnt and show them it matters that they try their best.