In a context of high stakes accountability and often challenging peer social pressure, Heathfield Community College has a commitment to student wellbeing. It is a College Improvement Plan target and long term goal of the College to ensure that students who leave Heathfield are not only equipped with a set of outcomes that allow them the best choices for their next stage in life but also with the personal, social and emotional skills to be able to thrive.
Our approaches are outlined here: Heathfield Community College approaches to Student Wellbeing and are reviewed each year. Students are actively taught approaches to empower them to manage their well-being and access support when they need it from a trusted adult. Our Steps to Well-Being form a consistent language and content of tutor time, assembly and PHSEe input as well as wider content that enables young people to understand how to keep themselves safe and healthy.
At Heathfield Community College there is a highly effective system of pastoral care, where students are well known to teachers; students develop a firm identity with school values and a sense of responsibility for one another.
The Form Tutor
This member of staff that students are likely to have most contact with. Because of the relationships that form during tutor time tutors are the first point of contact for students and parents. If a parent has concerns about the progress of their child, or day-to-day issues such as friendship problems, changes in family circumstances or difficulties with homework then the tutor is the person you should contact.
Pastoral Managers
The Pastoral Managers work with students with social, emotional and behavioural issues. They offer broad and tailored support to suit a student’s needs. The Pastoral Managers are available to students at break times if they need access to the support offered. The Pastoral Managers also deal with student’s personal worries including relationships, family issues, bereavement, crisis, financial and mental health issues.
The Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education Department is a stand-alone department at Heathfield CC which delivers much of the statutory and recommended strands of educating young people which do not easily fit into the remit of other subjects. These important areas include: Careers Education, Personal and Financial Well Being, Drugs, Alcohol and Tobacco Education, Sex and Relationships Education, Work Related Learning and Citizenship. More information can be found by clicking here.
How can you help as a parent?
- The following links are designed to provide you with practical advice on areas of concern that sometimes cause parents anxiety or stress when supporting their teenager.
- Our intention is to provide an area of the website where parents and students might find information, advice and guidance that supports them in understanding areas of teenage life that might feel alien to them.
- Some of the links are to websites that provide their own advice and guidance; other links are to articles that may be of interest that are linked to the subject matter.
- The range of links is by no means exhaustive. We would welcome feedback and recommendations of additional information that parents have, themselves found useful and supportive.
- Should you wish to provide any feedback please email [email protected] and title your email Health and Wellbeing Web page.
Click here for Parental Consent Form for Administration of Medicines
Click here for advice and information on Careers and Higher/Further Education
For college advice on bullying click Action against bullying
Below are a selection of external links with information and advice on a variety of issues: (listed in alphabetical order)
Caring For Someone:
Drinking and Drugs:
Eating Disorders:
General Well Being and Advice:
Good Diet and Nutrition:
Health and Wellbeing:
Mental Health, Resilience and Mindfulness:
On-line Safety:
Self Harm:
What is Self-Harm ? | Whats Worrying You about Your Child? | Self Harming. Positive Parenting Tips |
Sexuality / Puberty: