Start to Term 2024-25

We are looking forward to welcoming all students new and returning back to college this week.

The following documents and links offer some reminders and points of reference that may be useful.

For existing students the Head of Year letters sent at the end of term have information that may be helpful:

A reminder letter for the start of term went to all parents yesterday:

For most other questions the Parent handbook is a good first reference point:

Please also be aware and understanding that as the temporary reception arrangements do not have a waiting lobby facility, we are unable to accommodate impromptu visits to see a member of staff. If you do not have an appointment this will not be possible and you will be asked to arrange for another time.

This does not prevent quick drop offs of belongings or messages being delivered. If you are at all unsure, please contact in advance on the normal office lines 01435 866066 or [email protected]