

Sociology is part of a wider Social Science department, together with psychology. The two specialist sociology teachers are part of a diverse but integrally linked department with a wide range of expertise and experience in our different subject areas.

Curriculum Intent

We aim for our students to develop a deep sociological understanding of the relationship and tensions between social structures and individual agency with a UK and global context. We want them to be able to think critically about the world, research, news, policies and politics in relation to social issues, debates, social changes and continuities, and to not take anything at face value.

Our students will develop skills of critical analysis and will be able to use their sociological understanding alongside factual information to make informed arguments and to draw substantiated judgements and conclusions. Our students will understand social control, power and inequality and will be able to apply their knowledge of social structures and processes to these issues. They will understand the role of sociology in society and that it plays a role in identifying and suggesting solutions to problems. Our students will have a deep awareness of the sociological perspectives and they will have a critical understanding of how these perspectives will view the above. Students will understand that sociology is a research based discipline and they will be able to analyse the use of research methods.



We are a well-resourced department with a dedicated classroom. We using online lectures and resources to support learning.


Drop-in support and revision sessions are offered to students throughout the year. In addition, we are developing links with local universities and offer visits and trips to conferences when relevant to the content taught.